On her conservation photography: "I want to conspire with the viewer to tell a story in one captured moment. We are each involved…”
Florida - Birds - Orchids & Flowers - Africa & Madagascar - Asia - Infrared - World View
Here in south Florida, nearly all of us are newcomers lacking a many-generational acquaintance with our own land. We bring yesterday’s understanding to a land so different from any we have experienced. In my many years here I have come to know and love my adopted wilderness and write, with my camera and in my books, lectures and articles, what is really, a prayer to nature – to the land and water and to all living things. It is a love story of how I was enchanted by our swamp environment and came to love and respect her as she slowly revealed her beauty to me. I see what I do as the confluence of science, art, and the spiritual center of life.
Africa & Madagascar
Africa has a rhythm all its own and its siren call has seduced me many times— in the north, the south, the east, central and west — but it’s elusive essence can only be glimpsed. Africa is like a lover who is bad for you — you love all its energy and spirit, but weep over its wounds. The mainland’s offshoot, the island of Madagascar, is an enchanted land, a world out of this world where nearly all its flora and fauna are endemic — that is, found nowhere else. Lemurs abound, chameleonsand other reptiles and bizarre plants, but the warm, welcoming people of the island nation are its greatest asset. Explore the magic with me!
Heartwarming images are all around us. They can illicit a chuckle, a wry memory, or even sadness, but around the world, birds are the same. From our homes to the remotest habitations, we are all one. I am passionate about these creatures and I want everyone to care about them as I do, and be sensitive to the inter-dependence of all life with its infinite perfection and beauty. Enjoy.
Asia embraces a myriad of cultures, religions and habitats from glaciers to rich volcanic soils, rain forests, and under its crystal waters, the epicenter of underwater biodiversity. It is no secret that I love Asia and all it offers me as a photographer and as a student of every kind of diversity.
World View
“The World Is Big and I Am Glad.” That is what my daughter, Holly, wrote when she was five, and it is a central theme in my life as well. Here, I am not just finding beauty, or translating what my heart sees into images I can share, but I am also finding meaning and connection with the natural world, the real world, and trying to make a difference in how we love and respect and cherish that world and all creatures here below so this earth can nurture us.
Orchids & Flowers
Wild orchids and flowers, mere plants, open a door into wilderness, and for me, it is a door into a parallel universe, a time of no-time where my spirit can soar. As they unveil their secrets and those of the wild places where they live, I am transformed. These elusive beauties and the mystique surrounding them reconnect me with my youth and freedom. These images are all deeply personal and represent huge pieces of my own soul. Life – its exuberance – is central to my being and I want to share my awe with those who care to see.
Infrared images are reflected light, reflections, a different way of seeing the familiar that stimulates the eye and the mind. The word ‘reflection’ means not only throwing back light or heat, but also serious thought or consideration. Consider life in these images, life and light itself, life and the heat sends back or absorbs. See the absence of color not as a standard black and white image, but instead, as a picture of the structure and vigor of life itself.